about me

I'm a theoretical physicist and assistant professor at Decision Analysis and Support Unit at SGH Warsaw School of Economics . I am working on new quantum machine learning algorithms for prediction and forecasting and applications of quantum technology. Much of my effort focuses on quantum time series analysis. The modeling of time series has received very little attention from the quantum community to date; hence, much of the work in this area is without any prior research. One of the most promising and challenging area of time series analysis is quantum time series anomaly detection, which I actively collaborate on with Prof. Jacob Cybulski, Melbourn, Australia. Quantum machine learning techniques can assist in discovering complex patterns that deviate from the typical time series characteristics. I also work as an MLops. I develop Python tools for data scientists and integrate quantum and classical optimization techniques to enhance business processes.


SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Collegium of Economic Analysis
al. Niepodległości 162
02-554 Warsaw, Poland

sebastian.zajac [at] sgh.waw.pl


University of Silesia in Katowice

Doctor of Philosophy 17.09.2013

Advisor: prof. dr hab Marek Zrałek
Accelerator neutrino oscillations and their non-standard interactions (PL) View

Master of Science 27.06.2007

Advisor: dr hab. Jerzy Król
Some geometrical and topological methods in classical and quantum field theory (PL). View

Bechelor of Science 27.06.2005

Advisor: dr hab. Jacek Syska
Time Series analysis with ARMA and ARIMA processes. Application in SAS. (PL) View

Music School in Rybnik, I and II degree

Musician 2004

Advisor: Franciszek Prus
Accordeon class.


The Art of Data Encoding and Decoding for Quantum Time Series Analysis

J. L. Cybulski, S.Z.
submitted to Tba

Poster on 8th International Conference on Quantum Techniques in Machine Learning, (Melbourne, Australia) 25-29 November 2024 View

Design Considerations for Denoising Quantum Time-Series Autoencoder

J. L. Cybulski, S.Z.
24th International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS) vol. 6 (30.06.2024)

Seminar on WZBO online 2024 (Poland) View

Seminar on Quantum Machine Learning Conference 2024 View

Seminar on Warszawskie Dni Informatyki 2024 View

Seminar on AI Spring 2024 (Warsaw, Poland) View

Seminar on 24th International Conference on Computational Science 2024 (Malaga, Spain) View

Classification Supported by Community-Aware Node Features

B. Kaminski, P. Pralat, F. Theberge, S.Z.
Complex Networks & Their Applications XII vol. 4 (29.02.2024)

Seminar on 18th Workshop on Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph (WAW 2023) (Toronto, Canada) View

Seminar on 12th International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications (Menton Riviera, France) View

Seminar on Data Science Summit 2023 (Warsaw, Poland) View

Seminar on AI Spring 2024 (Warsaw, Poland) View

Predicting Properties of Nodes via Community-Aware Features

B. Kaminski, P. Pralat, F. Theberge, S.Z.
Social Network Analysis and Mining vol. 14 (15.06.2024)

Incorporating Gravity into the Path Integral of Quantum Mechanics Using the Thermodynamics of Spacetime

G. Biehle, C. Ellgen, B. Sabra, S.Z.
OSF Preprints (19.07.2022)

Selected machine learning methods used for credit scoring

M. Wrzosek, D. Kaszynski, K. Przanowski, S.Z.
Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH (2020)

Variable selection methods

K. Przanowski, S.Z, D. Kaszynski, L. Opinski
Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH (2020)

Metody selekcji zmiennych w modelach skoringowych

K. Przanowski, S.Z.
Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH (2020)

Family Symmetries and Multi Higgs Doublet Models

B.Dziewit, J.Holeczek, S.Z., M.Zralek
Symmetry vol. 12(1) no. 156 (12.01.2020)

Semianar on Matter To The Deepest 2019 Conference (Katowice) View

Genus for biomolecules

P. Rubach, S.Z. , B. Jastrzebski, J. I. Sulkowska, P. Sulkowski
Nucleic Acids Research (04.10.2019)

Server adress View

Chord diagrams category and its limit

W. Kubis, S.Z.
to appear

Seminar on Summer Conference on Topology and its Applications 2018 (Bowling Green, USA) View

Seminar on Category Theory in Physics, Mathematics and Philosophy 2017 (Warsaw, PL) View

Genus trace reveals the topological complexity and domain structure of biomolecules

S.Z., C. Geary , E. A. Andersen, P. Dabrowski-Tumanski, J.Sulkowska, P.Sulkowski
Nature Scientific Reports vol. 8 no. 17537 (03.12.2018)

Lepton Masses and Mixing in Two-Higgs-Doublet Model

P. Chaber, B. Dziewit, J. Holeczek, M. Richter, M. Zralek, S.Z.
Physical Review D vol. 98 no. 55007 (06.09.2018)

Seminar on Discrete 2018 conference (Wienna, AU) View

Seminar on NOW 2018 Conference (Ostuni, Italy) View

Poster on Neutrino 2018 Conference (Heidelberg, GER) View

The discrete family symmetries as the possible solution to the flavour problem

B.Dziewit, J.Holeczek, M.Richter, M.Zralek, S.Z.
Physics of Atomic Nuclei vol. 80 no. 4 (9.2017)

Texture zeros in neutrino mass matrix

B.Dziewit, J.Holeczek, M.Richter, M.Zralek, S.Z.
Physics of Atomic Nuclei vol. 80 no. 2 (7.2017)

The Flavour Problem and the Family Symmetry Beyond the Standard Model

B.Dziewit, J.Holeczek, M.Richter, M.Zralek, S.Z.
Acta Physica Polonica B vol. 46 no. 11 (2015)

Attempts at Explaining Neutrino Masses and Mixings Using Finite Horizontal Symmetry Groups

B.Dziewit, M.Zralek, S.Z.
Acta Physica Polonica B vol. 44 no. 11 (2013)

Majorana neutrino mass matrix with CP symmetry breaking

B.Dziewit, M.Zralek, S.Z.
Acta Physica Polonica B vol. 42 no. 11 (2011)

The method of the likelihood and the Fisher information in the construction of physical models.

E.W.Piotrowski, J.Sładkowski, J.Syska, S.Z.
Physica Status Solidi B vol. 246 no. 5 (5.2009)

Neutrino Oscillations in the case of general interactions

J.Syska, M.Zralek, S.Z.
Acta Physica Polonica B vol. 38 no. 11 (2007)


Modelowanie dla biznesu. Analityka w czasie rzeczywistym - narzędzia informatyczne i biznesowe

ED. S. Zajac

Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH (2022)

Modelowanie dla biznesu. Metody machine learning, modele portfela Consumer Finance, modele rekurencyjne analizy przeżycia, modele skoringowe

ED. K. Przanowski, S.Z

Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH (2020)

The Credit scoring in the context of interpretable machine learning. Theory and Practice.

ED. D. Kaszyński, B. Kamiński, T. Szapiro.

Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH (2020)

Work experience

Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange NAWA project

SGH Warsaw School of Economics 7.2022

Theoretical Physics Consultant

Ordinal Research Institute, Pasadena, USA 3.2022 - 6.2022

Big Data Expert in Credit Risk Information Department

PKO Bank Polski 9.2021

Data Science Expert

Algomine AI 12.2019 - 4.2021

Team member

QPoland 11.2019


WSB Academy, Dabrowa Gornicza 10.2019 - 2.2022


UKSW WMP.SNŚ Warsaw 10.2019 - 10.2022

Grant coworker - Random matrix models: from biomolecules to topological recursions

Warsaw University, Warsaw 6.2019 - 12.2019

Assistant Professor

Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw 4.2019

Data Science Expert

AMA Institute, Warsaw 10.2017 - 5.2019

Associate Dean for Infrastructure

UKSW WMP.SNŚ Warsaw 9.2016 - 4.2019


Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw 2.2016 - 6.2016

Assistant Professor

UKSW WMP.SNS, Warsaw 9.2015 - 4.2019

Junior Front End Developer

Maxymiser Oracle, Warsaw 11.2015 - 2.2016

NCN Opus Grant coworker - neutrino physics

University of Silesia, Katowice 4.2014 - 4.2018


UKSW WMP.SNS, Warsaw 10.2013 - 9.2015

Postdoc - On topology, interacting RNA and quantum physics

Warsaw University, Warsaw 9.2013 - 9.2014

Lecturer - Webpage programming in HTML5, CSS3, PHP and JS

GoWork, Warsaw 7.2013 - 1.2015

Statistical Analyst

Biostat, Rybnik 11.2011 - 1.2012

Software tester of SI WCPR system

Wasko, Gliwice 7.2011 - 9.2011


  • SIAM Workshop on Network Science (NS22)
    September , 13-15,2022, , Online

    The workshop will be held remotely and will include keynote presentations, contributed talks, and posters. To facilitate participation from different time zones, each day the activities will start at 10:00am and end by 3:40pm EDT. Participation is open to the entire community (not only to SIAM members), but registration is required.

    Big Data, SAS
  • 18.S097 Special Subject in Mathematics: Introduction to Julia for Data Science
    January, 17-20, 2023, Boston, USA

    During this short course you will learn how to build data science models using Julia. Moreover, we will teach you how to deploy such model in production environments and scale the computations beyond a single computer.

    Julia, Data Science
  • WAW 2023 18th Workshop on Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph
    May , 15-19 2023, Toronto, Canada

    The aim of the 18th Workshop on Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph (WAW 2023) is to further the understanding of graphs that arise from the Web and various user activities on the Web, and stimulate the development of high-performance algorithms and applications that exploit these graphs. The workshop will also welcome the researchers who are working on graph-theoretic and algorithmic aspects of citation networks, social networks, biological networks, molecular networks, and the Internet.

    Complex Graph
  • WAW 2023 Conference
    May , 23-26, 2023, Toronto, Canada

    The World Wide Web has become part of our everyday life, and information retrieval and data mining on the Web are now of enormous practical interest. The algorithms supporting these activities combine the view of the Web as a text repository and as a graph, induced in various ways by links among pages, hosts and users.

    Complex Graph
  • Quantum Computing Thematic Track in conjuction with the Internationa Conference on Computational Science
    July, 3-5, 2023, Prague, Czech Republic

    Quantum computing is a new paradigm that exploits the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics to solve problems in various fields of science that are beyond the possibilities of classical computing infrastructures. Despite the increasing activity in both theoretical research and hardware implementations, reaching the state of useful quantum supremacy is still an open question. This workshop aims to provide a forum for computational scientists, software developers, computer scientists, physicists and quantum hardware providers to understand and discuss research on current problems in quantum informatics.

    Quantum Computing
  • The Social Networks & Complex Systems Workshop
    June, 20-21, 2023, Warsaw, Poland

    he Social Networks & Complex Systems Workshop is a multidisciplinary event that gathers together researchers in the areas of economics, social networks, complex systems and discrete mathematics interested in exploring the intricate dynamics and interconnections that shape economic systems. At the core of this workshop lies the desire to better understand the underlying structures, patterns, and processes that govern social networks and complex systems.

    Complex Networks
  • 12th International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications
    November, 28-30, 2023, Menton Riviera, France

    The international Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications aims at bringing together researchers from different scientific communities working on areas related to complex netoworks.

    Complex Networks
  • Data Science Summit
    November, 21-22, 2023, Warsaw, Poland

    Początki Data Science Summit sięgają 2014 roku, kiedy to odbyło się pierwsze spotkanie społeczności Data Science Warsaw. To popularność tych cyklicznych meetupów przyczyniła się do decyzji o organizacji pierwszej edycji konferencji, a jej sukces do kolejnych. Obecnie DSS to największe wydarzenie poświęcone obszarowi Data Science w Polsce.

    Data Science
  • WZBO
    February, 12, 2024, Poznan, Poland

    Seminarium Badań Operacyjnych

    Quantum Computing
  • Quantum Machine Learning Conference 2024
    March, 16.2024, Warsaw, Poland

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzhrcw1Rl0c&themeRefresh=1 - Video

    Quantum Computing
  • Warszawskie Dni Informatyki
    April, 5-6,2024, Warsaw, Poland

    Na konferencji znajdziesz tematykę z zakresu: SysOps, DevOps, Infrastructure & Cloud, SysOps, DevOps, Infrastructure & Cloud, Programowania, IT Security, Hardware'u / IoT, Gamedev / VR & AR, UX / UI, Business Analysis, Testowania oraz Trendów technologicznych oraz ogólnie kariery IT.

  • AI SPRING. Sztuczna Inteligencja w naukach ekonomicznych.
    May , 8, 2024, Warsaw, Poland

    Termin „wiosna sztucznej inteligencji” oznacza etap jej przyśpieszonego rozwoju, podczas którego w nieproporcjonalnym stopniu przyciąga ona uwagę i podnosi oczekiwania. Pomimo znaczących postępów w sztucznej inteligencji oraz popularności dyskusji na jej temat, najważniejsze zmiany związane z wpływem AI na zachowania konsumentów, strategie przedsiębiorstw i funkcjonowanie rynków są jeszcze przed nami. Możemy zatem oczekiwać rozwoju nauk ekonomicznych wynikającego z pojawienia się nowych teorii i rewizji dotychczasowych paradygmatów.

    Data Science
  • 19th Workshop on Modelling and Mining Networks (WAW 2024)
    June, 3-7, 2024, Warsaw, Poland

    The aim of the 19th Workshop on Modelling and Mining Networks (WAW 2024) is to further the understanding of networks that arise in theoretical as well as applied domains. The goal is also to stimulate the development of high-performance and scalable algorithms that exploit these networks. The workshop welcomes the researchers who are working on graph-theoretic and algorithmic aspects of networks represented as graphs or hypergraphs and other higher order structures.

    Complex Graph, Complex Networks
  • 24th International Conference on Computational Science
    July, 2-4,2024, Malaga, Spain

    The International Conference on Computational Science is an annual conference that brings together researchers and scientists from mathematics and computer science as basic computing disciplines, as well as from other various application areas, who are pioneering computational methods in sciences such as physics, chemistry, life sciences, and engineering, as well as in arts and humanitarian fields, to discuss problems and solutions in the area, identify new issues, and shape future directions for research.

    Quantum Computing
  • Quantum Techniques in Machine Learning
    November, 25-29,2024, Melbourne, Australia

    Quantum Techniques in Machine Learning (QTML) is an annual international conference focusing on the interdisciplinary field of quantum technology and machine learning. The goal of the conference is to gather leading academic researchers and industry players to interact through a series of scientific talks focussed on the interplay between machine learning and quantum physics.

    Quantum Computing, Quantum Machine Learning